What is LLDPE?

LLDPE Roto refers to Linear Low-Density Polyethylene specifically designed and optimized for rotomolding (also known as rotational molding) applications. Rotomolding is a manufacturing process used to produce hollow plastic parts by rotating a mold filled with powdered or liquid resin.

LLDPE Roto offers several characteristics that make it well-suited for rotomolding:


Melt Flow Rate: LLDPE Roto typically has a controlled melt flow rate (MFR) to ensure proper flow and distribution of the material during the rotomolding process. The MFR is adjusted to match the requirements of the specific rotomolding equipment and desired part properties.

Powder Form: LLDPE Roto is often supplied in powdered form, allowing for easy handling, uniform mixing, and consistent distribution within the mold during the rotomolding process.

Impact Resistance: LLDPE Roto is designed to provide good impact resistance, ensuring the produced parts can withstand external forces and mechanical stresses.

Environmental Stress Crack Resistance (ESCR): LLDPE Roto typically exhibits high ESCR, which means it is less prone to cracking or failure under environmental stress conditions such as exposure to chemicals, temperature variations, or UV radiation.

Wall Thickness Control: LLDPE Roto is formulated to enable control over the wall thickness of the molded parts. This is important to achieve the desired structural integrity and weight distribution in the finished products.

Excellent Processability: LLDPE Roto is engineered for easy processing in rotomolding equipment. It exhibits good melt flow and can be readily shaped and molded into complex geometries.

LLDPE Roto is commonly used in the rotomolding industry to manufacture a wide range of products, including large tanks, containers, playground equipment, automotive components, water storage tanks, recreational products, and more. The material’s properties are tailored to meet the specific requirements of the rotomolding process and ensure the production of high-quality, durable, and impact-resistant parts.